Friday, May 16, 2008


As many of you know my son Ben was born on April 3rd, 2008 at 6:06 pm. He weighed 1 lb 7 oz and was 11.5 inches long. I will save the long story of how he came to be but needless to say I had 2 days to prepare myself for motherhood. A very rare but extremely serious syndrome attacked the baby and me and an emergency c-section was performed. Hellp Syndrome is rare and usually attacks first time mom's. There is no way to prevent it nor do they know why it attacks certain women. Basically the baby was looked at as a foriegn object in my body and my system began to shut down. I lost all liver and kidney functions and my blood pressure was at least double what it should have been. Also, the syndrome was now attacking the placenta. When I went to the hospital I was told that we needed to have the c-section within the next hour and both the baby and I were at risk of not making it. It was pretty serious. So they had to put me out completely and I woke up 2 hours later with a lot of pain and a very tough little baby!
Benjamin will be staying in the hosptial until the third week in June to the first week in July. His nurses are amazing and they treat him as if he was thier own. He continues to thrive and is ahead of schedule for all developmental/physical things. He just needs to gain weight now. We had some trouble with his feedings for awhile but now he is perfect and gaining at least an oz per day. He is now at 2 lbs 4 oz and will be in the ohter nursery within a week.
My parents have been amazing. Thank God for them! Ben's room is ready - all painted and windows re-done. Now I just am starting to decorate. I have been back to work since yesterday. I am up at 3:45 am and in to visit Ben by 4:45 am. I work from 7 - 4 every day and I also sse Ben for his 5 pm feeding. I am asleep by 8:30pm and pumping every 3 hours. YIKES! Next week he starts to nuzzle and then nurse. This has been a whirlwind but I wouldnt change anything! Ben is my little miracle!


Sarah said...

So happy you made a blog!!