Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Seemed to have forgotten I have a blog...

Hello Again! I have neglected my site and will now try (very hard) to update this at least once a month :)

Ben is running, walking, talking, talking back, yelling...etc....etc...

Short and sweet - he was a skunk for Halloween. We did not formally go trick or treating but instead donned costumed at my rents house Sunday morning for all to see. very cute. also very appropriote (little stinker).

The rents had a huge party for old friends/teachers and Uncle Jimmy took this pic. I love it. First really good pic of us togehter.

Ben is developing very well and his motor skills are at a 2-3 year old level! He reminds me everyday of what a miracle he is.
Side note- work going ok, new manager and new team in underwriting but big picture is I still HAVE a job. Promotion probabaly on hold for 6-12 more months. We just had a round of lay offs so not the best time to talk about that. I am excited about my new position and my new manager! My rents had to put Sko down this past Friday. Really is sad and very strange at the house now. Everytime I am home for a visit I keep looking for him and it feels like someone is missing. Tough. Yoda, the cat, I think is taking the worst.:(

Couple more pics to leave you with. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

This is Ben Thanksgiving last year! It amazes me!

My brohter and Benny chilling...with Mustafa too!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy Labor Day! Ben is 17 months Today!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Here I am.

Well it has been ahwile. Where do I start...

Ben is healthy and such a 14 month old. Just a smaller version of one. He is almost walking. Two big first steps were taken this past weekend. Benny loves his mashed potatoes, cookies, pasta....yeah I am fattening him up! "Helllllloooo carb! Meet Ben's chunky liitle thighs!" Finally, Ben is sleeping through the night. This started just two short, but sweet, weeks ago. And why am I now the human teether? He has 8 teeth which he seems to want to remind me about all the time. And how does one disclipline a 14 month old? Bite them back? Yes, I have been tempted. But I am sticking with the reiteration of "No, that hurt's Mommy". Oh..well that is pre-empted by a "OWWWW". And all of this is followed byBen looking very sorry...then laughing his face off. Oh well. What can I do? He kills me with his smile and gets me laughing right along with him. Boy I have turned into quite the softy and he owns this Mama! He had his first birthday and he was so good the entire party!

Still I work 40 or so hours a week. Sometimes weekends, too. John has been MIA for almost 2 months now. Predictable. I do have sole custody of my baby and this was a battle that I went in guns ready! I had the best lawyer ever - Thank you Judy Potter!

Mom and Dad are as smitten as ever with thier only grandson. They contnue to amaze me with the help they provide. I am blessed.

Okay- I gotta get back to work. But I leave you with a couple pics of my handsome little man!