Monday, June 9, 2008

Tubby Time!

Love Love Love giving him tubbys! John went with me Saturday morning. I gave Ben a tubby and then John fed him. John is doing better and better..perhaps the shock is starting to wear off.

I got a call from the discharge nurse today! That is a good sign. I am keeping my fingers crossed for only 2 more weeks then hopefully home!! It is all up to Ben now.

My favortie picture so far is the one with Ben and me...we are so in love!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Couple Pics...

As I mentioned in the last posting, Ben's pic was going to be on the wall at Maine Med...and voila!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Home Soon...I Hope!!!

I have been very bad about updating this blog....but so has Julie so it is ok.

Anyway, Ben is now in the Continuing Care Nursery (CCN) and is almost 3 1/2 lbs! Amazing! He is taking almost all his feedings by breast or bottle now. He pretty much has to take all feedings that way and grow a little more and he can come home! There is not a weight requirement but he will probably be closer to 4+ lbs anyway when he comes home. I am thinking that the third week in June or last week in June I will be able to take my little nugget home! BTW - Nugget has caught on pretty well as his nickname. A nurse heard me say it once and loved it.
And I know every parent is biased and thinks their child is the cutest in the world - I know mine is - but I have confirmation from a Maine Med rep that he is indeed a cute baby! Ben's pictures have been taken and will be appearing on the main wall as you walk into Maine Med sometime next week. They are also using his pics for fundraising to help buy new isolettes for the NICU.
It is getting harder and harder leaving him each day and his room is all ready and his cradle is even made I anxious? YEAH!
I will try to get some pics up soon but let me tell you he has grown into all his wrinkles and actually has a few fat rolls! The pic is one I took with my phone the other day after he was done feasting and looked a little milk drunk. And NO - that is not my boob as everyone has asked. It is my arm. I had already put the girls away. :)